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The Garden

An exciting interactive space where children, parents and carers can discover science through play. Designed for 3 – 6 year olds but we welcome children of any age under this.

Inquisitive children can explore the main areas—construction, water, light and sound. While playing, they can find out about floating and sinking, shadows and reflections, and much more. At the same time, they’ll develop the skills of observing, predicting, testing, and drawing conclusions.

Our friendly Explainers are on hand to help. They are happy to answer questions or join in the games to make sure that everyone gets the most from the gallery.

Visit The Garden in the basement of the museum for non-stop fun!

We do not provide waterproof aprons for children at the water play area in The Garden. You are welcome to bring your own.

Empty pushchairs must be parked in the Spare Room opposite The Garden. There are coin-return pushchair locks available that require a £1 coin.

Opening times

  • 10.00–16.00, term time weekdays
  • 10.00–17.40, weekends and holidays

Planning a school visit? Find out more information about the gallery for educational groups.

Part of the Science Museum Group